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Almond Biscotti
Versión para imprimir aquí [pdf]

Prep: 35 min Bake: 36 mins per batch Cool: 1 hour  Makes : 36 Oven: 375o/325o

[T=tablespoon t=teaspoon, C= cup]


½ Cup butter

2 C whole wheat flour

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp sea salt

2/3 C brown sugar (a bit more)

2 eggs

2 teaspoon Baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 ½ C. slivered almonds or hazelnuts, finely chopped



 In a large mixing bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on medium speed for 30 seconds.  Add 1 cup of flour, the sugar, 2 eggs, baking powder, soda, salt and vanilla; beat until combined.  Using a wooden spoon, stir in remaining flour and nuts.  Divide dough in half.

 Lightly grease a cookie sheet (nosotras usamos silicone sheets en vez de mantequlla); set aside.  Shape each portion into a 9-inch log. Place about 4 inches apart on prepared cookie sheet.  Flatten logs slightly until about 2 inches wide. 

Bake in a 375oF oven for 20-25 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near centers comes out clean. Cool on cookie sheet on wire rack for 1 hour.  With a serrated knife, cut each log diagonally into ½-inch-thick slices.  Lay slices, cut side down, on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake in a 325oF oven for 8 minutes.  Turn slices over; bake for 8-10 minutes more or until dry and crisp.  Transfer to a wire rack and let cool.


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Luego de 1ra horneada, lucen así.
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